5/20: Wednesday at a Red 7 (all ages)
chaos in tejas kick off party with...
Teenage Cool Kids
Yellow Fever
(buy tickets)
5/21: Thursday at Mohawk (all ages)
Propagandhi (myspace)
Trash Talk (myspace)
Canadian Rifle
(buy tickets)
5/21: Thursday at Emo's (outside) (all ages)
Skitkids (sweden)
Crude (japan)
Annihilation Time (myspace)
FUK (england...ex Chaos UK)
No Tolerance
(buy tickets to this show OR buy a 3-day pass to the emo's shows from 5/21-5/23)
5/22: Friday at Emo's (outside/inside) (all ages)
Cock Sparrer
Brutal Knights
Peligro Social (last show ever)
Destino Final (spain..ex Invasion)
Hjertestop (denmark)
Young Offenders
the Hex Dispensers
(buy tickets to this show OR buy a 3-day pass to the emo's shows from 5/21-5/23)
5/22: Friday at Mohawk
the Thermals
Shaky Hands
(buy tickets)
5/22: Friday After Party at Broken Neck (all ages)
World Burns to Death
AI (japan)
5/22: Friday After Party on the Bridge FREE! (all ages)
Career Suicide
5/23: Saturday Day Party at Beerland (21 and up)
Career Sucide
Doomsday Hour
5/23: Saturday Night at Emo's (outside) (all ages)
Judgement (japan..only U.S. show)
Pierced Arrows (2/3 of Dead Moon)
AI (japan)
Outlaw Order
(buy tickets to this show OR buy a 3-day pass to the emo's shows from 5/21-5/23)
5/23: Saturday Night at Emo's (inside) (all ages)
Times New Viking
XYX (mexico)
the Strange Boys
Ratas Del Vaticano (mexico)
(buy tickets to this show OR buy a 3-day pass to the emo's shows from 5/21-5/23)
5/23: Saturday at Red 7 (all ages)
the Business (england)
Krum Bums
the Broadsiders
(buy tickets)
5/23: Saturday After Party at the Broken Neck (all ages)
Severed Head of State
Sacred Shock
5/24: Sunday at Red 7 (outside) (all ages)
Harvey Milk
Crude (japan)
Mind Eraser
Iron Age
Unit 21
(buy tickets)
5/24: Sunday at Red 7 (inside) FREE! (all ages)
5/24: Sunday at Beerland (21 and up)
*special guest*
Young Offenders
Note about the 3-day pass: the pass is good for EMO'S ONLY GIGS May 21-23 (not may 22-24).
****This pass WILL NOT WORK for the Chaos gigs happening at Beerland, The Broken Neck, The Mohawk, or Red 7.****
CAN'T MAKE IT to TEXAS? Look for SACRED SHOCK and DESKONOCIDOS on the East Coast, WARCRY and 惡AI意 on the West Coast, CRUDE and UNIT 21 on the East Coast, SKITKIDS on the West Coast, HJERTSTOP accross the US, AMEBIX doing select mid-west dates and more! (thanks, ken!)